MUSKEGON, Mich. — Muskegon’s own Wonderland Distilling has been nominated…

Lakeshore distillery releases first product

Muskegon-based craft distillery Wonderland Distilling Company is launching its first Blend of Straight Whiskeys for sale this month.
Created from individually aged rye, corn and wheat whiskeys, Wonderland said the blend is expertly crafted by the distillery’s team for a truly unique, Michigan-inspired profile and taste.
Wonderland’s Blend of Straight Whiskeys is blended using the traditional Canadian method, with each grain — corn, wheat and rye — distilled on its own. By distilling, barreling and aging them separately and then blending them after maturation, the whiskey is blended with purpose to create a consistent flavor profile with every bottle. Tasting notes include caramel, brown sugar, brioche and raisins.
Read full story at Grand Rapids Business Journal.