MUSKEGON, Mich. — Muskegon’s own Wonderland Distilling has been nominated…

Pair of distilleries plan launches in Muskegon area
The partners behind Wonderland Distilling Co. want to position their spirits as a connection to the outdoors culture in West Michigan and a link to the water that surrounds it.
The startup distillery has already signed a lease and has started construction on production space in Muskegon Heights and expects to submit its federal licensing paperwork in the coming weeks, said Allen Serio, Wonderland’s chief marketing and sales officer.
The company’s name harkens back to versions of the “Water Wonderland” slogan on the classic Michigan vehicle license plates from the 1950s and ’60s.
“Wonderland really stuck with us,” Serio said. “This wonderland, the appreciation for the land around us and the agriculture and the seasons and the lakes, all of those things really resonate to each of the partners.”