MUSKEGON, Mich. — Muskegon’s own Wonderland Distilling has been nominated…

Michigan Radio: A riff on Ireland’s whiskey and red lemonade
In Ireland, a popular drink is whiskey mixed with red lemonade. What is red lemonade? Well, it’s sort of like Sprite or 7Up, but it’s red.
Tammy Coxen of Tammy’s Tastings did not use Irish whiskey or red lemonade in this drink. Instead, she used a blend of Michigan whiskeys and her own riff on red lemonade.
Wonderland Distilling in Muskegon used other Michigan whiskeys for a unique blend.
Let’s start with the whiskey. Wonderland Distilling, in Muskegon, sent Tammy a sample of a blended whiskey. Being a new distiller, Wonderland’s own whiskey is maturing in barrels. In the meantime…
“They have been sourcing whiskey from other Michigan distilleries and then blending them together,” Tammy explained.
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