MUSKEGON, Mich. — Muskegon’s own Wonderland Distilling has been nominated…

At new Muskegon cocktail bar, a celebration of adventure, the Lakeshore, and a growing city

When Wonderland Distilling opens at 1989 Lakeshore Dr. this fall, the new tasting room and cocktail bar will be all about celebrating the world that surrounds us: this melange of beaches and lakes and dunes we call home.
“Wonderland is crafted for adventure seekers, who want high quality, locally-made, flavorful spirits,” Wonderland CEO Mark Gongalski, who’s also a partner in downtown Muskegon’s Unruly Brewing and the co-founder of Rebel Pies, said in a press release.
Read the full article at Muskegon Times.